Software Technology Park

It’s about 15days i came back to dhaka. I was in jessore for 10months due to my job purpose. I was working as software architect at onair international ltd in IT park.

With this post i am going to share my experience and feelings that need to know who are thinking to moving jessore for IT job.

I appreciate the thought behind the technology park which will help us to be an entrepreneur (already helping) with creating job opportunities for others.

Moving from dhaka to jessore was a tough decision but the mechanical life with un-planned workload make it easy. Initially i was planning to go back home, holding my family in my mind cause i was done with the mechanical life.

I can remember, the whole night i was thinking without sleeping am i doing something wrong? After 10months, coming back from jessore still i can say it wasn’t wrong decision, the surroundings are not still enough to survive there.

Let’s have an overview of the journey:

1st January 2018, while people were celebrating i was preparing for my journey to jessore.

New year 2018 celebration.

Early in the morning we started our journey which was getting longer with the sunset. It was midnight to reaching at my destination. As i was new to jessore it took a lot more time to find the address. The house owner helped me a lot to manage the situation.

Dhaka-aricha Highway.

The next day i went for a visit to the IT park with excitement for a new start.

The main entrance of IT park. 

It was great feeling to me enjoying the sunset by sitting beside the lake with friendly colleagues.

Sunset at IT park.

Lake with setting sun at IT park.

As i love photography so i took the opportunity to capture the rooftop view of amazing jessore from main building.

Amazing jessore.

Modern canteen & convention centre.

Place where i lived in. The only bad thing is the mobile tower at the top of the building, which may cause the health issue for radiation.

Chandra Deep.

Amazing sunset from rooftop of my living house.

I am going to miss jessore a lot, the sunset, moonlight night, gentle air, loving people, friendly colleagues. In my opinion happiness is a state of mind, if you think and believe you are happy with what you have, where you live then you are really happy.

The sad thing is i was unable to hold those natural beauties, positive mind with real-world difficulties. Finally my suggestion is to rethink before you make a move.

Thanks 🙂


Since March 2011, have 8+ years of professional experience on software development, currently working as Senior Software Engineer at s3 Innovate Pte Ltd.

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