In this post we are going to implement jsreports in Angula8 application. lets get started with the installation process.
Follow the link for more details:
Add the library to “index.html” page.
In component.html add div to render report output.
Next in component.ts declare jsreports.
declare var jsreports: any;
Next configure data-source.
var items = [{
category: 'Professional Services',
description: 'Software Development',
unitLabel: 'Hours',
quantity: 12,
unitPrice: 150.00
category: 'Expenses',
description: 'Coffee for office',
unitLabel: 'Qty',
quantity: 4,
unitPrice: 10.51
category: 'Expenses',
description: 'New keyboard',
unitLabel: 'Qty',
quantity: 3,
unitPrice: 32.99
category: 'Expenses',
description: 'New Mouse',
unitLabel: 'Qty',
quantity: 100,
unitPrice: 320.99
category: 'Expenses',
description: 'New Mouse',
unitLabel: 'Qty',
quantity: 100,
unitPrice: 320.99
var dataSources = [{
"id": "Invoice_Data",
"name": "Invoice Detail",
"data": [{
"printDate": new Date(),
"startDate": new Date(2015, 11, 1),
"endDate": new Date(2015, 11, 31),
"companyInfo": "118, Dilkusha C/A, Motijheel(Level-25), Dhaka-1000",
"userAddress": 'Dhaka-1207',
"accountHolderId": 'AC0001',
"accountHolder": 'Shashangka Shekhar',
"invoiceNumber": 'INV-00000001',
"subTotal": '$150,450.08',
"disctTotal": '$1000.00',
"grndTotal": '$149,450.08',
"taxAmount": '$0.00',
"rptItems": items,
"inWord": 'One Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Four Hundred Fifty and Eight.'
Next create report.
var report = jsreports.createReport()
.name('Invoice-' + new Date().toString())
.page(8.27, 11.69, 'inches')
.image('assets/magnifibank-logo.png', 0, 0, 2, 1)
.text('[companyInfo]', 0, 0.4, 2.5, 1, { fontsize: 10, align: 'left', wrap: true })
.text('INVOICE: [invoiceNumber]', 2.40, 0.15, 4.75, 0, { bold: true, align: 'right', fontsize: 11 })
.text('VAT NO:', 2.40, 0.35, 4.1, 0, { align: 'right',bold:true, fontsize: 9 })
.text('[vatNo]', 2.40, 0.35, 4.75, 0, { align: 'right', fontsize: 9 })
.text('Billed To:', 0, 1, 6.2, 0, { bold: true, fontsize: 13, align: 'left', underline: true })
.text('[accountHolder]' + ', ' + '[userAddress]', 0.2, 1.2, 4.6, 0, { fontsize: 10, align: 'left' })
.text('Date: ', 6.1, 1, 1, 0, { align: 'left', bold: true, fontsize: 9 })
.text('[=FORMAT(printDate, \'mmm d, yyyy\')]', 6, 1, 1.2, 0, { align: 'right', bold: false, fontsize: 9 })
.text('Period:', 4.25, 1.2, 0.9, 0, { align: 'right', bold: true, fontsize: 9 })
.text('From [=FORMAT(startDate, \'mmm d, yyyy\')] To [=FORMAT(endDate, \'mmm d, yyyy\')]', 5, 1.2, 2.2, 0, { align: 'right', bold: false, fontsize: 9 })
.text('Sub-Total: ', 0, -0.15, 6.1, 0, { bold: true, align: 'right', fontsize: 11 })
.text('[subTotal]', 6.1, -0.15, 1.1, 0, { bold: true, align: 'right', fontsize: 11 })
.text('Discount: ', 0, 0.08, 6.1, 0, { bold: true, align: 'right', fontsize: 11 })
.text('[disctTotal]', 6.1, 0.08, 1.1, 0, { bold: true, align: 'right', fontsize: 11 })
.text('Vat: ', 0, 0.3, 6.1, 0, { bold: true, align: 'right', fontsize: 11 })
.text('[taxAmount]', 6.1, 0.3, 1.1, 0, { bold: true, align: 'right', fontsize: 11 })
.text('=========================', 2.40, 0.47, 4.80, 0, { bold: false, align: 'right', fontsize: 11 })
.text('Grand-Total: ', 0, 0.65, 6.1, 0, { bold: true, align: 'right',fontsize: 11 })
.text('[grndTotal]', 6.1, 0.65, 1.1, 0, { bold: true, align: 'right', fontsize: 11 })
.text('In word: [inWord]', 0, 0.25, 3, 0, { bold: true, align: 'left' })
.text('Invoice Details:', 0, 0.2, 7.2, 1, { bold: true, fontsize: 13, align: 'left', underline: true })
.table(0, 0.5, 7.2,1, { data: 'rptItems', hasFooter: true, hasHeader: true, fontsize: 10 })
.column('', '[description]', 'Particulars', '', { wrap: true, align: 'left' })
.column('10%', '[quantity]', 'Qty', '', { align: 'center'})
.column('12%', '[unitPrice]', 'Price', '', { align: 'right' })
.column('15%', '[=quantity * unitPrice]', 'Total', '', { align: 'right' })
.text('Printed on: [=FORMAT(DATE(), \'dd/MM/yyyy\')]', 0, 0.4, 4.75, 0.2, { align: 'left', fontsize: 8 })
.text('© [=FORMAT(DATE(), \'yyyy\')], All Rights Reserved.', 0, 0.55, 7.2, 0.25, { fontsize: 8, align: 'left' })
.text('Page [PAGE_NUMBER] of [PAGE_COUNT]', 0, 0.55, 7.2, 0.25, { fontsize: 8, italic: true, align: 'right' })
Finally render the report to the output div.
report_def: report,
target: $('.report-output').css('min-height', '900px'),
datasets: dataSources,
showToolbar: true,
scaleFonts: false

Download/clone full source code from Hope this will help 🙂
Saifullah Al Azad says:
Great job man