Custom Code-Generator Using ASP.Net Core

In this post we will get overview and generate a basic label code using our database table column that help in development.

The main thought behind the sample was to generate the common types of code easily.

The Single page application is built with ASP.Net Core & AngularJS, here’s the execution environment & API service is in .Net Core to generate code. In front-end have used AngularJS.

Content Focused:

  • Connect to database server
  • Get all database list then
  • Get all Table Column by selecting a particular table
  • Choose column then
  • Generate code, that’s it.

Let’s dive into the code, first let’s get started with back-end work. We have connect our database server using connection string.

Let’s Work with Back-End, Connect to Database:

Lets’ create an API Controller to get all our operation done. In our controller class let’s put a connection string to get connected with our databases.

private string conString = "server=DESKTOP-80DEJMQ; uid=sa; pwd=sa;";

Get All Databases:

Let’s create a method to get all database list from database server. Below SQL query to get all databases.

SELECT name from sys.databases WHERE name NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb') ORDER BY create_date

Here’s is the Get method to list all our databases in server.

// api/Codegen/GetDatabaseList
[HttpGet, Route("GetDatabaseList"), Produces("application/json")]
public List GetDatabaseList()
    List data = new List();
    using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString))
        int count = 0; con.Open();
        using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT name from sys.databases WHERE name NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb') ORDER BY create_date", con))
            using (IDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (dr.Read())
                    data.Add(new vmDatabase()
                        DatabaseId = count,
                        DatabaseName = dr[0].ToString()
    return data.ToList();

Get all Table Column: Here’s we are getting all tables from selected database.

// api/Codegen/GetDatabaseTableList
[HttpPost, Route("GetDatabaseTableList"), Produces("application/json")]
public List GetDatabaseTableList([FromBody]vmParam model)
    List data = new List();
    string conString_ = conString + " Database=" + model.DatabaseName + ";";
    using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString_))
        int count = 0; con.Open();
        DataTable schema = con.GetSchema("Tables");
        foreach (DataRow row in schema.Rows)
            data.Add(new vmTable()
                TableId = count,
                TableName = row[2].ToString()

    return data.ToList();

Choose Column: Below SQL query to get all table columns.


Here’s is the Get method to list all selected table column in server.

// api/Codegen/GetDatabaseTableColumnList
[HttpPost, Route("GetDatabaseTableColumnList"), Produces("application/json")]
public List GetDatabaseTableColumnList([FromBody]vmParam model)
    List data = new List();
    string conString_ = conString + " Database=" + model.DatabaseName + ";";
    using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString_))
        int count = 0; con.Open();
            using (IDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (dr.Read())
                    data.Add(new vmColumn()
                        ColumnId = count,
                        ColumnName = dr[0].ToString(),
                        DataType = dr[1].ToString(),
                        MaxLength = dr[2].ToString(),
                        IsNullable = dr[3].ToString(),
                        Tablename = model.TableName.ToString(),
                        TableSchema = dr[4].ToString()
    return data.ToList();

Now let’s overview the server code that is producing the generated code based on our database column.

[EnableCors("AllowCors"), Produces("application/json"), Route("api/Codegen")]
public class CodegenController : Controller
    private readonly IHostingEnvironment _hostingEnvironment;
    private string conString = "server=DESKTOP-80DEJMQ; uid=sa; pwd=sa;";

    public CodegenController(IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
        _hostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment;

    #region ++++++ Database +++++++
    // api/Codegen/GetDatabaseList
    [HttpGet, Route("GetDatabaseList"), Produces("application/json")]
    public List GetDatabaseList()
        List data = new List();
        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString))
            int count = 0; con.Open();
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT name from sys.databases WHERE name NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb') ORDER BY create_date", con))
                using (IDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (dr.Read())
                        data.Add(new vmDatabase()
                            DatabaseId = count,
                            DatabaseName = dr[0].ToString()
        return data.ToList();

    // api/Codegen/v
    [HttpPost, Route("GetDatabaseTableList"), Produces("application/json")]
    public List GetDatabaseTableList([FromBody]vmParam model)
        List data = new List();
        string conString_ = conString + " Database=" + model.DatabaseName + ";";
        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString_))
            int count = 0; con.Open();
            DataTable schema = con.GetSchema("Tables");
            foreach (DataRow row in schema.Rows)
                data.Add(new vmTable()
                    TableId = count,
                    TableName = row[2].ToString()

        return data.ToList();

    // api/Codegen/GetDatabaseTableColumnList
    [HttpPost, Route("GetDatabaseTableColumnList"), Produces("application/json")]
    public List GetDatabaseTableColumnList([FromBody]vmParam model)
        List data = new List();
        string conString_ = conString + " Database=" + model.DatabaseName + ";";
        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString_))
            int count = 0; con.Open();
                using (IDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (dr.Read())
                        data.Add(new vmColumn()
                            ColumnId = count,
                            ColumnName = dr[0].ToString(),
                            DataType = dr[1].ToString(),
                            MaxLength = dr[2].ToString(),
                            IsNullable = dr[3].ToString(),
                            Tablename = model.TableName.ToString(),
                            TableSchema = dr[4].ToString()
        return data.ToList();

    #region +++++ CodeGeneration +++++
    // api/Codegen/GenerateCode
    [HttpPost, Route("GenerateCode"), Produces("application/json")]
    public IActionResult GenerateCode([FromBody]object[] data)
        List spCollection = new List();
            string webRootPath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath; //From wwwroot
            string contentRootPath = _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath; //From Others
            var tblColumns = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(data[0].ToString());
            string fileContentSet = string.Empty; string fileContentGet = string.Empty;
            string fileContentPut = string.Empty; string fileContentDelete = string.Empty;
            string fileContentVm = string.Empty; string fileContentView = string.Empty;
            string fileContentNg = string.Empty; string fileContentAPIGet = string.Empty;
            string fileContentAPIGetById = string.Empty;

            fileContentSet = SpGenerator.GenerateSetSP(tblColumns, webRootPath);
            fileContentGet = SpGenerator.GenerateGetSP(tblColumns, webRootPath);
            fileContentPut = SpGenerator.GeneratePutSP(tblColumns, webRootPath);
            fileContentDelete = SpGenerator.GenerateDeleteSP(tblColumns, webRootPath);

            fileContentVm = VmGenerator.GenerateVm(tblColumns, webRootPath);

            fileContentView = ViewGenerator.GenerateForm(tblColumns, webRootPath);

            fileContentNg = NgGenerator.GenerateNgController(tblColumns, webRootPath);

            fileContentAPIGet = APIGenerator.GenerateAPIGet(tblColumns, webRootPath);
        catch (Exception ex)

        return Json(new


In our code-generation mechanism the .txt template use to representing the real structure. Below folder we have all the formatted template to present the real structure in generated code.

Let’s expand the generator. Here’s the list that we are  generated by this app

  1. API Controller
  2. ViewModel
  3. Stored Procedure
  4. AngularJS Controller
  5. HTML-Form

API-Generator: Below code method will generate the API Controller using a formatted text file.

public static dynamic GenerateAPIGet(List tblColumns, string contentRootPath)
    TextInfo textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
    StringBuilder builderPrm = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder builderSub = new StringBuilder();
    builderPrm.Clear(); builderSub.Clear();
    string fileContent = string.Empty; string queryPrm = string.Empty; string submitPrm = string.Empty;

    string tableName = tblColumns[0].Tablename; string tableSchema = tblColumns[0].TableSchema;
    string path = @"" + contentRootPath + "\\template\\WebAPI\\APIController.txt";

    // API Controller
    string routePrefix = "api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString()));
    string apiController = textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "Controller";
    string collectionName = "List<" + tableName.ToString() + ">";
    string listObj = tableName.ToString() + "s";
    string getDbMethod = "_ctx." + tableName.ToString() + ".ToListAsync()";
    string entity = tableName.ToString();
    string urlApiGet = "api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "/GetAll";
    string urlApiGetByID = "api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "/GetByID/5";
    string urlApiPost = "api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "/Save";
    string urlApiPut = "api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "/UpdateByID/5";
    string urlApiDeleteByID = "api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "/DeleteByID/5";

    //Enity Fields
    foreach (var item in tblColumns)
        builderPrm.Append("entityUpdate." + item.ColumnName + " = model." + item.ColumnName + ";");
    submitPrm = builderPrm.AppendLine().ToString();

    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
        fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd()
            .Replace("#RoutePrefix", routePrefix.ToString())
            .Replace("#APiController", apiController.ToString())
            .Replace("#Collection", collectionName.ToString())
            .Replace("#ListObj", listObj.ToString())
            .Replace("#DbMethod", getDbMethod.ToString())
            .Replace("#Entity", entity.ToString())
            .Replace("#UrlApiGet", urlApiGet.ToString())
            .Replace("#UrlGetByID", urlApiGetByID.ToString())
            .Replace("#UrlPostByID", urlApiPost.ToString())
            .Replace("#UrlApiPut", urlApiPut.ToString())
            .Replace("#ColUpdate", submitPrm.ToString())
            .Replace("#UrlDeleteByID", urlApiDeleteByID.ToString());

    return fileContent.ToString();

API Controller Format:

In this portion we have read the text as it is till the end line then replace those #tag property using c# dynamically. This is the main trick that used in others code generation.

[Route("#RoutePrefix"), Produces("application/json")]
public class #APiController : Controller
    private dbContext _ctx = null;
    public #APiController(dbContext context)
        _ctx = context;

    // GET: #UrlApiGet
    [HttpGet, Route("GetAll")]
    public async Task GetAll()
        #Collection #ListObj = null;
            using (_ctx)
                #ListObj = await #DbMethod;
        catch (Exception ex)
        return #ListObj;

    // GET #UrlGetByID
    [HttpGet, Route("GetByID/{id}")]
    public async Task<#Entity> GetByID(int id)
        #Entity obj = null;
            using (_ctx)
                obj = await _ctx.#Entity.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);
        catch (Exception ex)
        return obj;

    // POST #UrlPostByID 
    [HttpPost, Route("Save")]
    public async Task Save([FromBody]#Entity model)
        object result = null; string message = "";
        if (model == null)
            return BadRequest();
        using (_ctx)
            using (var _ctxTransaction = _ctx.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
                    message = "Ok";
                catch (Exception e)
                    message = "Error";

                result = new
        return result;

    // PUT #UrlApiPut 
    [HttpPut, Route("UpdateByID/{id}")]
    public async Task UpdateByID(int id, [FromBody]#Entity model)
        object result = null; string message = string.Empty;
        if (model == null)
            return BadRequest();
        using (_ctx)
            using (var _ctxTransaction = _ctx.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    var entityUpdate = _ctx.#Entity.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
                    if (entityUpdate != null)

                        await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
                    message = "Ok";
                catch (Exception e)
                    _ctxTransaction.Rollback(); e.ToString();
                    message = "Error";

                result = new
        return result;

    // DELETE #UrlDeleteByID
    [HttpDelete, Route("DeleteByID/{id}")]
    public async Task DeleteByID(int id)
        object result = null; string message = "";
        using (_ctx)
            using (var _ctxTransaction = _ctx.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    var idToRemove = _ctx.#Entity.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
                    if (idToRemove != null)
                        await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
                    message = "Ok";
                catch (Exception e)
                    message = "Error";

                result = new
        return result;

ViewModel-Generator:  For specific data model we need to generate some view model, below method will generate those data models.

public static dynamic GenerateVm(List tblColumns, string contentRootPath)
    StringBuilder builderPrm = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder builderBody = new StringBuilder();
    builderPrm.Clear(); builderBody.Clear();
    string fileContent = string.Empty; string queryPrm = string.Empty;

    string tableName = tblColumns[0].Tablename; string tableSchema = tblColumns[0].TableSchema;
    string path = @"" + contentRootPath + "\\template\\ViewModel\\vmModel.txt";
    string className = "vm" + tableName.ToString();
    foreach (var item in tblColumns)
        builderPrm.Append("  public " + TypeMap.GetClrType(item.DataType) + " " + item.ColumnName + " { get; set; }");

    queryPrm = builderPrm.AppendLine().ToString();

    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
        fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("#ClassName", className.ToString()).Replace("#Properties", queryPrm.ToString());

    return fileContent.ToString();

Stored Procedure-Generator

Insert-SP: This is a minimum label  sp generate query template for insert operation, in application we need to modify those with our own additional logic.

public static dynamic GenerateSetSP(List tblColumns, string contentRootPath)
    StringBuilder builderPrm = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder builderBody = new StringBuilder();
    builderPrm.Clear(); builderBody.Clear();

    string path = @"" + contentRootPath + "\\template\\StoredProcedure\\InsertSP.txt";
    string fileContent = string.Empty; string fileld = string.Empty; string fileldPrm = string.Empty; string queryPrm = string.Empty;
    string tableName = tblColumns[0].Tablename; string tableSchema = tblColumns[0].TableSchema;

    string spName = ("[" + tableSchema + "].[Set_" + tableName + "]").ToString();
    foreach (var item in tblColumns)
        fileld = fileld + item.ColumnName + ",";
        fileldPrm = fileldPrm + "@" + item.ColumnName + ",";

        if ((item.DataType.ToString() == "nvarchar") || (item.DataType.ToString() == "varchar"))
            builderPrm.Append("  @" + item.ColumnName + " " + item.DataType + "(" + item.MaxLength + "),");
            builderPrm.Append("  @" + item.ColumnName + " " + item.DataType + ",");

    queryPrm = builderPrm.Remove((builderPrm.Length - 1), 1).AppendLine().ToString();
    //queryPrm = builderPrm.ToString().TrimEnd(',');

    builderBody.Append("INSERT INTO [" + tableSchema + "].[" + tableName + "](");
    builderBody.Append(fileld.TrimEnd(',') + ") ");
    builderBody.Append("VALUES (" + fileldPrm.TrimEnd(',') + ")");

    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
        fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("#Name", spName.ToString()).Replace("#Param", queryPrm.ToString()).Replace("#Body", builderBody.ToString());

    return fileContent.ToString();

Get-SP: This is a minimum label  sp generate query template for get operation, in application we need to modify those with our own additional logic.

public static dynamic GenerateGetSP(List tblColumns, string contentRootPath)
    StringBuilder builderPrm = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder builderBody = new StringBuilder();
    builderPrm.Clear(); builderBody.Clear();

    string path = @"" + contentRootPath + "\\template\\StoredProcedure\\ReadSP.txt";
    string fileContent = string.Empty; string fileld = string.Empty; string fileldPrm = string.Empty; string queryPrm = string.Empty;
    string tableName = tblColumns[0].Tablename; string tableSchema = tblColumns[0].TableSchema;

    string spName = ("[" + tableSchema + "].[Get_" + tableName + "]").ToString();
    foreach (var item in tblColumns)
        fileld = fileld + item.ColumnName + ",";
        fileldPrm = fileldPrm + "@" + item.ColumnName + ",";

    builderBody.Append("SELECT " + fileldPrm.TrimEnd(',') + " FROM [" + tableSchema + "].[" + tableName + "]");

    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
        fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("#Name", spName.ToString()).Replace("#Body", builderBody.ToString()).Replace("#OrdPrm", fileldPrm.TrimEnd(',').ToString());

    return fileContent.ToString();

Update-SP: This is a minimum label  sp generate query template for update operation, in application we need to modify those with our own additional logic.

public static dynamic GeneratePutSP(List tblColumns, string contentRootPath)
    StringBuilder builderPrm = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder builderBody = new StringBuilder();
    builderPrm.Clear(); builderBody.Clear();

    string path = @"" + contentRootPath + "\\template\\StoredProcedure\\UpdateSP.txt";
    string fileContent = string.Empty; string fileld = string.Empty; string fileldPrm = string.Empty; string queryPrm = string.Empty;
    string tableName = tblColumns[0].Tablename; string tableSchema = tblColumns[0].TableSchema;

    string spName = ("[" + tableSchema + "].[Get_" + tableName + "]").ToString();
    foreach (var item in tblColumns)
        fileld = fileld + item.ColumnName + ",";
        fileldPrm = fileldPrm + item.ColumnName + " = @" + item.ColumnName + ",";

        if ((item.DataType.ToString() == "nvarchar") || (item.DataType.ToString() == "varchar"))
            builderPrm.Append("  @" + item.ColumnName + " " + item.DataType + "(" + item.MaxLength + "),");
            builderPrm.Append("  @" + item.ColumnName + " " + item.DataType + ",");

    queryPrm = builderPrm.Remove((builderPrm.Length - 1), 1).AppendLine().ToString();

    builderBody.Append("UPDATE [" + tableSchema + "].[" + tableName + "] SET " + fileldPrm.TrimEnd(',') + " WHERE [CONDITIONS]");

    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
        fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("#Name", spName.ToString()).Replace("#Param", queryPrm.ToString()).Replace("#Body", builderBody.ToString()).Replace("#OrdPrm", fileldPrm.ToString());

    return fileContent.ToString();

Delete-SP: This is a minimum label  sp generate query template for delete operation, in application we need to modify those with our own additional logic.

public static dynamic GenerateDeleteSP(List tblColumns, string contentRootPath)
    StringBuilder builderPrm = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder builderBody = new StringBuilder();
    builderPrm.Clear(); builderBody.Clear();

    string path = @"" + contentRootPath + "\\template\\StoredProcedure\\DeleteSP.txt";
    string fileContent = string.Empty; string fileld = string.Empty; string fileldPrm = string.Empty; string queryPrm = string.Empty;
    string tableName = tblColumns[0].Tablename; string tableSchema = tblColumns[0].TableSchema;

    string spName = ("[" + tableSchema + "].[Delete_" + tableName + "]").ToString();
    foreach (var item in tblColumns)
        fileld = fileld + item.ColumnName + ",";
        fileldPrm = fileldPrm + "@" + item.ColumnName + ",";

        if ((item.DataType.ToString() == "nvarchar") || (item.DataType.ToString() == "varchar"))
            builderPrm.Append("  @" + item.ColumnName + " " + item.DataType + "(" + item.MaxLength + "),");
            builderPrm.Append("  @" + item.ColumnName + " " + item.DataType + ",");

    queryPrm = builderPrm.Remove((builderPrm.Length - 1), 1).AppendLine().ToString();

    builderBody.Append("DELETE FROM [" + tableSchema + "].[" + tableName + "] WHERE [CONDITIONS]");

    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
        fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("#Name", spName.ToString()).Replace("#Param", queryPrm.ToString()).Replace("#Body", builderBody.ToString()).Replace("#OrdPrm", fileldPrm.ToString());

    return fileContent.ToString();

Let’s Work with Fron-End, AngularJS Controller-Generator: In our frontend we also used the same mechanism that is used to generate API Controller.

public static dynamic GenerateNgController(List tblColumns, string contentRootPath)
    TextInfo textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
    StringBuilder builderPrm = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder builderSub = new StringBuilder();
    builderPrm.Clear(); builderSub.Clear();
    string fileContent = string.Empty; string queryPrm = string.Empty; string submitPrm = string.Empty;

    string tableName = tblColumns[0].Tablename; string tableSchema = tblColumns[0].TableSchema;
    string path = @"" + contentRootPath + "\\template\\AngularJS\\Controller.txt";

    //Controller Name
    string ctrlName = textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "Controller";
    string serviceInjected = "'$scope', '$http'"; string srvParam = "$scope, $http";
    string urlApiGet = "'/api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "/GetAll'";
    string url_GetByID = "'/api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "/GetByID/'+ parseInt(";
    string url_Post = "'/api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "/Save'";
    string url_Put = "'/api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "/UpdateByID/'+ parseInt(";
    string url_Delete = "'/api/" + textInfo.ToTitleCase(Conversion.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tableName.ToString())) + "/DeleteByID/'+ parseInt(";

    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
        fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd()
            .Replace("#ControllerName", ctrlName.ToString())
            .Replace("#ServiceInjected", serviceInjected.ToString())
            .Replace("#SrvParam", srvParam.ToString())
            .Replace("#UrlGet", urlApiGet.ToString())
            .Replace("#Url_GetByID", url_GetByID.ToString())
            .Replace("#Url_Post", url_Post.ToString())
            .Replace("#Url_Put", url_Put.ToString())
            .Replace("#Url_Delete", url_Delete.ToString());

    return fileContent.ToString();

HTML-Generator (Form): Using below method we have generated Html form that embedded with angular tag.

public static dynamic GenerateForm(List tblColumns, string contentRootPath)
    TextInfo textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
    StringBuilder builderPrm = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder builderSub = new StringBuilder();
    builderPrm.Clear(); builderSub.Clear();
    string fileContent = string.Empty; string queryPrm = string.Empty; string submitPrm = string.Empty;

    string tableName = tblColumns[0].Tablename; string tableSchema = tblColumns[0].TableSchema;
    string path = @"" + contentRootPath + "\\template\\HtmlForm\\Form.txt";

    //Form Name
    string frmName = "name='frm" + tableName.ToString() + "' novalidate";

    //Form Fields
    foreach (var item in tblColumns)
"); builderPrm.AppendLine(); if (item.ColumnName.Contains("email") || item.ColumnName.Contains("Email")) { builderPrm.Append(" "); builderPrm.AppendLine(); builderPrm.Append(" "); } else if (item.ColumnName.Contains("password") || item.ColumnName.Contains("Password")) { builderPrm.Append(" "); builderPrm.AppendLine(); builderPrm.Append(" "); } else { builderPrm.Append(" "); builderPrm.AppendLine(); builderPrm.Append(" "); } builderPrm.AppendLine(); builderPrm.Append("
"); } queryPrm = builderPrm.AppendLine().ToString(); //Form Submit builderSub.Append("
"); builderSub.AppendLine(); builderSub.Append(" "); builderSub.AppendLine(); builderSub.Append(" "); builderSub.AppendLine(); builderSub.Append(" "); builderSub.AppendLine(); builderSub.Append("
"); submitPrm = builderSub.AppendLine().ToString(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8)) { fileContent = sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("#frmName", frmName.ToString()).Replace("#frmGroup", queryPrm.ToString()).Replace("#frmSubmit", submitPrm.ToString()); } return fileContent.ToString(); }

Generated Code: We have used multiple tab to represent all the generated code. Below is our HTML section that shows how we are presenting generated code.

We have use pre-formated & HTML Example Element tag in html to present the generated code.

Here’s the code generation frontend function that is interacting with API’s, then getting the generated content which is representing by writing the DOM in Html page.

$scope.generate = function () {
    $('.nav-tabs a[href="#views"]').tab('show');

    var rowGen = [];
    var elementIDSql = 'genCodeSql';
    var elementIDVm = 'genCodeVm';
    var elementIDVu = 'genCodeVu';
    var elementIDNg = 'genCodeAngular';
    var elementIDApi = 'genCodeAPI';

    if ($scope.collist.length > 0) {
        var models = "[" + JSON.stringify($scope.collist) + "]";

            method: 'POST',
            url: '/api/Codegen/GenerateCode',
            data: models,
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
        }).then(function (response) {

            $('#genCodeSql').text(''); $('#genCodeVm').text(''); $('#genCodeVu').text(''); $('#genCodeAngular').text(''); $('#genCodeAPI').text('');
            rowGen =;

            if (rowGen.length > 0) {
                for (var i = 0; i < rowGen.length; i++) {
                    if (i == 0)
                        document.getElementById(elementIDSql).innerHTML += "--+++++++++ SET SP +++++++ \r\n" + rowGen[i] + "\r\n";
                    else if (i == 1)
                        document.getElementById(elementIDSql).innerHTML += "--+++++++++ GET SP +++++++++ \r\n" + rowGen[i] + "\r\n";
                    else if (i == 2)
                        document.getElementById(elementIDSql).innerHTML += "--+++++++++ PUT SP +++++++++ \r\n" + rowGen[i] + "\r\n";
                    else if (i == 3)
                        document.getElementById(elementIDSql).innerHTML += "--+++++++++ DELETE SP +++++++++ \r\n" + rowGen[i] + "\r\n";
                    else if (i == 4)
                        document.getElementById(elementIDVm).innerHTML += "// +++++++++ MODEL PROPERTIES +++++++++ \r\n" + rowGen[i] + "\r\n";
                    else if (i == 5)
                        document.getElementById(elementIDVu).innerHTML += " \r\n" + rowGen[i] + "\r\n";
                    else if (i == 6)
                        document.getElementById(elementIDNg).innerHTML += "// +++++++++ AngularJS Controller +++++++++ \r\n" + rowGen[i] + "\r\n";
                    else if (i == 7)
                        document.getElementById(elementIDApi).innerHTML += "// +++++++++ API Controller +++++++++ \r\n" + rowGen[i] + "\r\n";
                        document.getElementById(elementIDSql).innerHTML += " Error !!";
        }, function (error) {
    else {
        rowGen = []; $('#genCodeSql').text(''); $('#genCodeVm').text('');
        console.log("Please Choose a Column!!");

OutPut: As you can see the final out put in the below screen.

Source Code: I’ve uploaded the full source code to download/clone , Hope this will help 🙂


Since March 2011, have 8+ years of professional experience on software development, currently working as Senior Software Engineer at s3 Innovate Pte Ltd.

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